Kombucha 221 BC

two friends holding their favorite kombucha flavors for kombucha faqs


asked questions

Why is kombucha good for me?

While kombucha brewing is regulated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the FDA has not approved statements about the health benefits of kombucha. So, we’re going to tell you about our own experience with this fine ferment and toss in some science with it.
We view kombucha as a living food, not as a trendy lab-made supplement. Through the natural fermentation process and sourced ingredients, kombucha contains live enzymes, organic acids, live and naturally occurring probiotics, B-vitamins, antioxidants, and electrolytes. We take things a step further by only brewing with organic ingredients and including superfoods and functional herbs.
While some websites claim that kombucha is a panacea for all diseases, we disagree with such a broad generalization.
However, there are many claims about kombucha that we have experienced ourselves, including:

  • An increase in energy
  • A boost to the metabolism
  • Support for healthy liver function
  • An improvement in digestion and elimination process

Everyone’s personal relationship with kombucha is different. Try it yourself and notice the difference.

Should kombucha taste like vinegar?

Absolutely not! There’s a misconception that kombucha must be sharply pungent. But in reality, kombucha is a finely crafted brew designed for a delightful drinking experience. Historically, the ancient Chinese fermented sweetened tea to ensure its longevity and to keep it from becoming moldy during long travels or wars. And for those familiar with fermented foods, they’d concur: the best ferments strike a harmonious balance between sweetness and tartness, rather than being excessively fermented to a vinegary extreme. Our commitment is to craft authentic kombucha that’s not only enjoyable to drink but also beneficial for your wellness.

How much kombucha can I drink?

When introducing any new food to your diet, it’s wise to proceed with caution. Start by drinking 2 to 4 ounces of kombucha daily and monitor how you feel over the course of a week. As Hannah Crum and Alex LaGory mention in The Big Book of Kombucha, “Tuning into how food affects your body is a powerful way to genuinely trust your gut.” If you observe positive changes, you can gradually increase your consumption. However, we advise against consuming more than 32 fluid ounces daily since kombucha acts as a potent detoxifier. Overindulgence could result in unwanted detoxification symptoms.

Why do you use cane sugar?

Sugar in a health drink? It might seem counterintuitive. But in the case of kombucha, the sugar isn’t really for you—it’s for the brew! Traditional kombucha recipes always include five essential ingredients: water, air, tea, sugar, and inoculum. The sugar serves a critical role, offering nutrition to the yeast and bacteria and providing a foundation for healthy acid formation*. During the fermentation process, the kombucha SCOBY can consume up to 80% of the added sugar. We’re committed to using only raw, organic sugar, ensuring the remnants are of the best quality for your consumption. To put it simply: No sugar? No kombucha.

How much caffeine is in kombucha?

While kombucha is brewed with tea, the finished product contains surprisingly little caffeine. This is because the bacteria and yeast in the SCOBY utilize the caffeine, energizing themselves for reproduction.

The Big Book of Kombucha notes that the caffeine content in kombucha is significantly lower than what you’d find in a typical serving of tea, coffee, or soda. Research further supports this, indicating that kombucha’s caffeine levels can drop by about a third within just 24 hours of fermentation and by 50-60% after a week.

Can pregnant women drink kombucha?

If you’re unfamiliar with kombucha, pregnancy might not be the ideal time to start consuming it. Newcomers to kombucha can sometimes experience what’s known as a ‘healing crisis,’ and any symptoms experienced by the mother could potentially impact the baby. As a general rule, kombucha is often not recommended for pregnant women or individuals with compromised immune systems.

What is a healing crisis?

Detoxification can be a natural benefit of drinking kombucha, as it is a fermented and contains organic acids and probiotics. As your gut flora changes and your body rids itself of toxins, this may stimulate a “healing crisis”. Possible symptoms of a healing crisis may include muscle aches, skin breakouts, headache, irritability, or a “candidiasis flare-up”*

If you’re are experiencing symptoms of a health crisis, make sure you hydrate well, take some extra rest so your body can focus of healing, and go outside as much as possible.

Are all kombuchas equal?

In life, as with kombucha, there are superior choices and then there are the rest. To ensure you’re selecting quality kombucha, follow these guidelines:

  1. Always opt for kombucha from the refrigerated section of your grocery store.
  2. Scrutinize the ingredient list. Genuine kombucha shouldn’t have added, laboratory-made probiotics or supplements post-fermentation. You might think extra ‘beneficial bugs’ are a boon, but in reality, they can disrupt the natural biochemistry and health of the kombucha culture. Simply put: Don’t interfere with nature’s design.
  3. Be wary of extracts, juices from concentrate, and other artificial ingredients. Choose brews made with real sugar over those with unhealthy sugar substitutes.
  4. Remember: The purer the food source, the healthier it is for your body!

I am keto, can I still drink kombucha?

Regardless of your dietary choice—be it the original whole food diet (often referred to as God’s diet), KETO, raw, vegan, vegetarian, Paleo, or S.A.D. (Standard American Diet)—kombucha stands out as an exemplary addition. It’s free from common allergens, making it a widely recognized healthy drink.

Kombucha can benefit anyone’s diet at any stage. It’s especially favored by those aiming to boost the healthy bacteria in their system.

Is homebrew better than store bought kombucha?

As a general guideline, homemade products often possess a unique appeal due to the personal touch and energy you invest. On the other hand, commercial brewers bring specialized knowledge, offering blends that might be difficult to replicate in small, home batches. When choosing a store brand, delve into the company’s background: understand their mission, familiarize yourself with the founders, and discern their core values. Moreover, consider their approach to packaging as well as their dedication to offering the healthiest options. Keep in mind that every purchase is a vote with your wallet. Personally, I emphasize the locally-made aspect in my decision-making and have a penchant for supporting smaller brands. Opt for a brand whose principles align with yours, ensuring you can savor their brews with the same confidence as you would with your own.